
1# Smash into Vim. Andrew Stewart (Pluralsight)

23j Move down three line

33k Move up three lines

4d$ Delete from cursor to the end of the line

5u Undo

6Ctrl-R Redo

7c2/end Change all text from cursor to the BEGINNING of second end

8d2w delete two words

9:h st Get help on any topic eg :h motion (:bd to quit. bd is 'buffer delete')

10i Insert text

11I Insert text at the start of line

12w Move forward one word

13W Treats continuous code as one word, and moves forward to next word

14yy Yank (copy) a line

15p Paste below cursor

16P Paste above cursor

17i Insert text before cursor

18a Append text after cursor

19fN Jump forward to first 'N'

203fN Jump forward to the third 'N'

216l Move forward 6 letters

223w Forward 3 words

23cw Change word

243cw Change 3 words

25r9 Replace with '9'

26:e <filename> edit a file

27:syntax enable

28:set syntax=Apache


30#Tells vim to handle multiple files better

31#Command mode is also known as Normal mode

32d2w d is OPERATOR

33 2 is COUNT

34 w is motion

35# All code folding commands begin with Z

36# -because it looks like a folded sheet of paper

37#One way of overcoming write only file problem

38:w !sudo tee %

39:w !sudo tee example.conf

40#To open a file

41vim -N example.conf

42# The -N means 'not compatible with vi'

43#To Seach for, say, 'All Code'

44/All Code <enter>

45#Puts cursor at the start of the match

46#Replace with '9'


48#next match


50#Previous match



53:set incsearch

54#HIGHLIGHT SEARCH (hlsearch)

55:set hlsearch

56:nohlsearch OR :noh

57#Substitute and Replace


59#'g' is global

60#'c' is confirm

61#In a regular expression, the period matches any character

62#Line numbers

63:set number

6412G (12-capital 'G') Go to the 12th line

65gg Go to the top of the document

66G (capital 'G') Go to the end of the document

67:pwd Check the current working directory

68V Visual mode (Line)

69v Visual mode (Character)

70yy (yank) Copy

71:b <name> change buffer (try tab arrows as well)

72:bp previous buffer

73P Paste in text BEHIND cursor

74To delete text in V Select text and press d

75To change text in V select text and press c (goes into insert mode)

76Period Pressing the period repeates last command.

77 You will use it all the time!

78:set list (Boolean) lists tabs and end of line characters

79:set nolist

80:set list? Show current value

81:set list& Reset to defaults

82:set softabstop=2

83:set softtabstop?

84:set softtabstop&

85:set sts=2 The abbreviation for softtabstop is sts

86:verbose Using the verbose command when querying

87 an option will tell you where it was set

88:verbose set list?

89:options Brings up vim's options screen

90 to tell which options have been set

91:set See all options differing from default value

92vim commands in .vimrs are just like 'normal commands but just omit

93the colon!!

94:set filetype Tells you what filetype you are using

95:gf Go to file under cursor (Handy for editing code)

96#Where is my .vimrc?


98:scriptnames list all .vim files that vim has loaded for you

99:e $MYVIMRC open and edit the current .vimrc

100#buffer The contents of a file in memory

101#window A viewport into a buffer

102#Windows Commands

103Ctrl-w s Split window horizontally

104Ctrl-w v Split window vertically

105Ctrl-w j Move focus down

106Ctrl-w k Move focus up

107Ctrl-w c Close a window

108Ctrl-w o Close all but current

109Ctrl-w w Cycle focus (anti-clockwise)

110Ctrl-w W Cycle focus (clockwise)

111Ctrl-w p Focus previous window

112Ctrl-w J Move buffer up one window

113 [ie move windows themselves]

114Ctrl-w K Move buffer down one window

115Ctrl-w h Focus on left window

116Ctrl-w H Move buffer to the left

117Ctrl-w l Focus on the right window

118Ctrl-w L Move buffer to the right

119Ctrl-w t Move to top right

120Ctrl-w b Move to bottom left

121Ctrl-w r Rotate windows clockwise

122Ctrl-w R Rotate windows anti-clockwise

123#A tab holds one or more window











134:ls List all buffers

135:b3 Go to buffer number three

136# + means bufer with unsaved changes

137# = means read only

138# % is buffer in the current window

139:bn Go to next buffer

140:bp Go to pervious buffer

141:bd Buffer delete (close file)

142:bf Go to the first buffer

143:bl Go to the last buffer

144:ba Open a window for every buffer

145Ctrl-^ Edit the alternate file.

146 Generally this is the last file you edited

147 So if have nipped into another file with, say gf

148 then can go back from whence one came ctrl-caret.

149##Part Two, Pluralsight

150h, l Move forward, back one CHARACTER at a time

151w, b move forward, back one WORD at at a time

152e Move forward to the end of word

153#To move between non-blank entities, use the movement commands in uppercase

1540 Move to the start of a line

155$ Move to the end of a line

156^ Move to the FIRST NON BLANK character of a line

157gm Move to the middle of the line

158#For line lines that are wrapped

159g0 Go to the beginning of line

160g^ First character

161g$ End of line

162gm Middle of line

163#'g' is used a lot in Vim as a modifier

164fx Forward to next occurence of x

165Fx Back to previous occurence of x

166#You can repeat latest character jump with SEMI-COLON

167#A COMMA repeats the last jump in the opposite direction

168j,k Move down, up one line

169#If it helps, think of 'j' as down arrow

170gk Up one screen line

171- Up to Char

172+ Down char

173gj Down screen line

174M Jump to middle of screen

175H Jump to near top of screen

176L Jump to near bottom of screen

177Ctrl-b Scroll back ONE SCREEN

178Ctrl-f Scroll forward ONE SCREEN

179Ctrl-u Scroll back 1/2 SCREEN

180Ctrl-d Scroll forward 1/2 SCREEN

181zt Scroll current line to top of screen

182zz Scroll current line to middle of screen

183zb Scroll current line to bottom of screen

18442G or 42gg Go to line 42

185gg Takes you to the first line of the document

186G Takes you to the last line of the document


188#Vim keeps account of a few marks for you ...

189#To mark the cursor postion, type 'm' followed by letter: 'ma', 'mb'

190#Jump to it later with backtick and the letter

191#or, alternatively, jump to start of the line with the mark with single-quote and letter

192#Lower-case marks are file-specific

193#Upper-case marks are global



196d't Deletes from cursor position to mark t

197m cursor to the end of the line

198#Speedy way to avoid visual mode!

199:marks Get a list of all marks

200#Vims Mark

201`0-`9 The position of cursor when you exit vim

202 '0 is the most recent

203``, " The position of the cursor before the last jump

204`. or '. The postition of the LAST EDIT

205`` or '' To jump back to previous cursor postion

206 [Can be used to conveniently jump between two spots]

207#Editing text

208i Go into insert mode and insert text at cursor position

209I Go into insert mode and insert text at first non-blank character

210a Move one character to right before going into insert mode

211A Move to end of line before going into insert mode

212o Open a new line below

213O Open a new line above

214r <char you are on> Replaces the character you are on,

215 and goes straight back into 'normal' mode

2162f8 Go to second occurence of '8'

217R Go into Replace mode

218#Use backspace key to restore original text

219#More convenient to use change, c

220c3w Delete 3 words and switch to insert move

221x Delete character under the cursor

222dd or D Delete line

223yy or Y Yanks (copies) a line

224cc or C Change a line (delete text and then go into insert mode)

225J Join two lines [may insert up to two spaces]

2265J Join five lines [may insert up to two spaces]

227gJ Join without inserting spaces


2292<< Normal mode unindent TWO LINES

2302>> Normal mode indent TWO LINES

231Ctrl-d Insert mode UN-indent a line (remove tab)

232Ctrl-t Insert mode indent (insert a tab)

233( Move to the start of a sentence

234) Move to the end of a sentence

235{ Move to the start of a paragraph

236} Move to the end of a paragraph

237#Can 'bounce' between matching brackets or parens with %

238#VIT, VAT and homologues


240#V is operator, I extends, T is Object

241#Operators c change

242 d delete

243 y yank

244 v visual

245#Extends i inner-object

246 o all delimiters

247#Object w word

248 W Word

249 s sentence

250 p paragraph

251 t tag

252 " ' { {

253#To change flash[:error] to flash[:id]


255#In Visual mode, 'o' toggles which end of selection is active

256#ie, toggles cursor position between beginning and end of selection

257#Extremely useful.

258#Never have to give up and reselect if starting position off by one


260/ Search forward from cursor position

261? Search backwards from cursor position

262n next match in search

263N previous match

264# The direction depends on which operator used to start the search

265* Search forward for the curent WHOLE word

266# Search backwards for the current WHOLE word

267g* Search forwards for curent word as PART of word

268g# Search backwoards for current word as PART of word

269/h1/+3 Put cursor on third line after section heading

270/hello/e3 Put cursor Three CHARACTERS after match

271d/bacon/e Delete text from cursor position to end of word 'bacon'

272y?def Yank (copy) text from current position to previous def


274:[range]/s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] [count]

275:%s/bacon/lettuce/gc Replace 'bacon' with lettuce, global, confirm


277c confirm

278i ignore case

279I case-sensitive

280g global

281n show number of matches (non-destructive)

282p print matching lines

283# (alt) print matching lines

284% A leading percent searches all lines in the current buffer

285%s/a/b ... for example

286s/a/b Omit '%' to search only the current line

287:.,'a s/bacon/lettuce Replace all occurences of 'bacon' with 'lettuce'

288 from the current line to the 'a' MARK

289.,'a Use a range from cursor to MARK 'a'

290s/a/b Search for 'a', replace with 'b'

291#Specify a line

292. Current line

293+5 5 lines down

294-3 3 lines up

2951 Line 1 of buffer

296$ Last line of buffer

297% All lines in buffer

298't Position of mark 't'

299/pattern/ Next line where pattern matches

300:s/bacon/lettuce/g10 Replace all occuences of 'bacon

301 with 'lettuce' within the next 10 lines only

302#Sometimes easier to go into visual mode

303V Activate visual mode for full lines

30425G Takes you to line 25

305#use 'o' to toggle position of cursor (end/beginning of selection) if necessary.

306#Now type a substitution command starting with a colon

307## Vim gives you the range specifier which represents the selected region

308# :'<,'> (Range specifier)

309# Enter a search pattern

310# :'<,'>s/bacon/lettuce

311# '%' is a shortcut for all lines in current buffer


313#can use vim's powerful global command to execute a command

314#on all lines that match a pattern

315#Search and Execute



318#can use vim's powerful global command to execute a command

319#on all lines that match a pattern

320#takes a form similar to search-and-replace

321#unlike search, default range is whole buffer

322#Search and Execute


324#normal {command} Execute an extended sequence


326:g/re/p GREP!

327#To show all lines matching the regular expression re

328#This is where the Unix grep command got its name

329# show matches with line numbers

330p same as above

331d delete matching lines

332y yank matching lines

333:g/params[:foo]/# show lines and line numbers where

334 params[:foo] occurs

335:g/^$/d delete blank lines

336:g/pattern/+y Yank line after the ones that match

337#To execute command against lines that DONT match a pattern

338use v instead of g

339Some examples

340:.,+10g/foo/d delete matches from cursor through

341 next ten lines

342:.,'f+2g/foo/# show line numbers through two lines

343 after mark 'f'

344:.,/bar/g/foo/d Deletet lines through next line

345 mathching bar

346#Commands you can execute are not restricted to deleting and


348#You can also execute normal mode commands by prefixing

349#your commamds with 'normal

350:g/bacon/normal OBacon is near

351#insert the line 'Bacon is near' above each line that matches

352#the word bacon.

353#Regular Expressions Vim uses in Search

354#In a regular expression, some characters are literal

355some are special.

356# Vim allows you to alter which is which with

357# an option called Magic

358# This has four levals

359Very Magic \v Similar to Perl, Ruby, Python

360Magic \m The default, but awkward

361No Magic \M Rarely used

362Very No Magic \V Rarely used

363#One area where vim's default behaviour is inconsistent and


365#Invariably want Very Magic, which is similar to Perl's

366#regular expression syntax

367#It is NOT advisable to set this in .vimrc

368#Technically you can, but vim documentation

369#warns against it

370#How does Magic and Very Magic differ

371Very Magic Magic

372\s \s Whitespace same in both

373() \(\) Escaping Magic only

374{n, m} \{n,m} Quantifiers Escape opening in Magic

375[] [] Character Range No escape

376* *

377+ \+ 1 or many escape in Magic

378= \= Escap in Magic

379#Very Magic corresponds to Unix's egrep

380#Magic corresponds to Unix's grep

381#Magic uses lots of backslashes inconsistently - a disaster!

382#In Very Magic only literal characters are

383#0-9, a-z, A-Z, and underscore

384#Turn on Very Magic with \v

385#Two ways to search



388#To repeat a search


390#ie, Ctrl-r, FOLLOWED BY SLASH

391#Ack commands in Vim

392:Ack current_user

393 search all files below your working directory

394:cn Next result

395:cp Previous result

396:cc3 Display third result

397:ccl Close the Quickfix window

398Advanced configuration (start)

399Three basic levels of configuration

400 #1 Basic Configuration

401 #2 Custom key mapping

402 #3 Vimscript plugins

403# Mappings provide a convenient method to enter a sequence of commands

404# with just a few keystrokes

405# Map one set of keystrokes to another. When vim sees the former it

406# acts as if it saw the latter

407#For example

408:vmap > >gv

409# Lets take it apart

410vmap # reassigns a key in visual mode

411> # when you type this ..

412>gv # shift text right, re-select it,

413 # and go bac to visual mode

414#Map Scope

415nmap # Normal mode

416imap # Insert mode

417vmap # Visual mode

418map # Normal, Visual, and operating-pending modes

419map! # Command and insert modes

420# Example

421# Map tab to autocomplete in insert mode

422:imap <Tab> <C-N>

423:imap <S-Tab> <C-P>

424# Now can use tab to bring up autocomplete and tab OR

425# shift-tab throught the options

426# You can examine the value of existing mapping

427# by omitting the final argument

428# Remove a mapping with 'unmap'

429:vunmap >

430# To see all mappings for a mode

431use :map, :vmap, or any other mode map specifies

432# store all mappings in .vimrc

433# Safely Swap Strokes

434# Safely swap colon and semicolon, say

435:nnoremap :;

436:noremap :;

437# So what keystrokes are safe to map?

438# Vim uses most of them already, so need to be careful

439# This is how to decide

440# Do you want to override Vim's behaviour?

441 # 1 yes => do it!

442 # 2 no =>

443 Do you want carpal tunnel syndrome

444 # 1 Yes => Map a meta key

445 # 2 No => Use the Leader and a single key`

446# The map leader is a character whose sole purpose is to

447# prevent your mappings from conflicting with vim's commands

448# Its default value is backslash,

449# but can set it in .vimrc to anything you feel

450# comfortable typing which does not clash

451# Note that you set it differently from other options

452:let mapleader="," # Change the personal hotkey

453# Say, for example, you want to map 'Ctrl-F in insert mode

454# to uppercase the word before the cursor.

455# One way: map Ctrl-F directly

456:map! <C-F> <Esc>gUiw`]a

457# or, if you didn't want to wipe out Vim's default Ctrl-F,

458# which is scroll forward one page,

459# you could take it to your leader

460:map! <Leader> <Esc>gUiw`]a # type exactly as given

461# Try it in INSERT mode by typing backslash -F


463# A goodie!

464<%= = %=>


466:iab ff firefox

467iab # Declare an abbreviation for insert mode

468 # See also 'ab' for insert, Replace, and

469 # Command-line modes

470ff # What you type

471Firefox # What vim inserts

472# A super-goodie!

473# Some examples

474:ab teh the

475# For misspelled words, can type with impunity and Vim will clean up after you.


477# In the classic Sci-Fi novel 'Dune' by Frank Herbert

478# people learn to travel by folding space and taking a single step

479# onto another planet

480# In vim can operate on a file by folding long ranges of text

481# Novices use folds to put more content on the screen

482# Experts use folds to perform searches or global operations on

483# blocks of code as a single line

484# You may find that your mind does not naturally think in

485# terms of folds. That's OK! Some people find them indespensible

486# and others don't use them at all.

487# Vim Folding strategies

488:set foldmethod=

489 indent # Use spaces or tars to find foldable blocks

490 syntax # Fold on language features (methods, classes)

491 marker # Fold on textual marks

492 diff # Fold unchanged text

493 expr # Custom, code-driven folding

494 manual # Select ranges to fold

495# Default is manual

496# You will quickly tire of manual folding

497# Dan suggests fold by syntax or indent

498# Lets have a look at a Ruby file where folds are managed by

499# the easiest strategy -syntax

500# Will first do ineractively, but all may be stored in .vimrc files

501# As permanent defaults

502# 1 Syntax Folding

503:set foldmethod=syntax

504# or use abbreviation 'fdm'

505zK # Move up a fold

506zj # Move down a fold

507xM # Close ALL folds

508xc # Close a fold

509za # Toggle a fold (on/off)

510zo # Open a fold

511zR # Open ALL folds

512zk # Move back up to the end of the previous fold

513zi # Toggles folding on/off altogether

514zx # Reset folds, if you have 'made a pickle of things'

515 # this folds everything except the fold

516 # at the cursor's current line

517zX # Fold everything again

518# 2 Indent folding

519# A fallback is to let Vim detect blocks elegible for folding

520# by using simple indentation

521# Css is an example of this, which will also highlight a few problems

522# that are easily fixed

523# Open a css file and set the foldmethod to "indent"

524:set foldmethod=indent

525# Won't work as is

526# Two settings are relevant

527:set shiftwidth=2

528:set softtabstop=2

529# Some commands

530shiftwidth=2 # The number of spaces inserted when

531 # reindent operators or automatic indentation are used

532softtabstop=2 # The number of spaces inserted when TAB is hit

533:retab # Replace all tabs with spaces in the current buffer

534#Many aspects of folding are configurable

535:set foldcolumn=2

536# Put into .vimrc


538# Completion, Filtering, and Copying

539Ctrl-n # Activation completion menu for multiple options

540 # A goodie

541 # Brings up floating window

542 # Move down with Ctrl-n

543 # Move up with Ctrl-p

544 # Arrow keys work too

545 # When desired word is highlighted,

546 # hit enter or just resume typing

547# Filtering

548# sometimes it is worthwhile to filter text through an external program

549# such as unique.

550#Create a file (spamspam.txt) containing the following







557#Select all text using Visual mode (shift-V)

558#to run the filter type

559!unique # In general, !<filter>

560 # Four ways to run the unique filter on an entire buffer





565# The range may be established with visual mode or by specifying a range

566in command-line mode (after the colon).

567# Vim has a built on Sort command that can be used to sort

568# on various parts of each line

569# At its simplest, do range-sort, or range-sort! to reverse-sort

570:1,$ sort

571 # Automatic Indentation (Beautiful Code)


573# An absolute goodie1

574#break it down

575ggVG # Visually select the entire buffer (beginning gg to end G)

576= # Format selection. Can be used on ANY selection

577# use set shiftwidth to adjust the level of indentation

578Text alignment

579V:ce # Center text on page

580# break it down

581V # Activate Visual Mode on lines (and select a region)

582ce # Center selection on screen

583:.,+3ri60 # Select from cursor to 3 lines down

584 # Right align on 60 characters wide

585gQ # Reflow paragraph to 80 characters wide

586# But if you coding, it is easier just to use '='

587# Useful tip

588:set paste # Disable automatic indentation

589# Do this just before you paste

590# Afterwards ...

591set nopaste # To carry on

592# Copying, Yanking and Registers

593#Example Vim's registers are must more elaborate than the standard clipboard

594# available on your standard OS

595# Whenever you delete, change, search, substitute, or yank text

596# vim stores it in a register

597# The register we have been using up to now is the default regiser

598# There are 8 types of register

599# 48 total registers

600# You may delete, change, substitute, search or yank to any register


602# To yank a link into the register called a, type:


604#Break it down

605"a # Use regiser a

606yy # Yank (copy) current line

607"ap # paste from resister a

608# Named registers



611#Uppercase registers append new text to their contexts

612"" # The unnamed register. Contains the last deleted text

613# Whenever you delete text with 'd','c', 's' or 'x', or copy it with 'y',

614# Numbered registes 1-9 always contain the text from the last delete

615# or change command, but you'll rarely use them.

616:registers # show content of all registers

617"+ # System clipboard

618# You can repeat your last change or yank with '.'

619# and you may specify a different count if you want ('2.')

620@: # Repeat the last COMMAND LINE COMMAND

621#Break it down

622@ # Exectute text as command

623: # Use the : register as the text of the command

624# Macros

625#An example


627# /Stop recording with q

628qa Start a recording named a

629dW # Delete a word

630w # go forward one word

631p # paste contents

632j # move down one line

633q # quit recoring

634@a # Execute a macro called a

6355@a # Do five times

636# Plugins

637# Vim can be extended with plugins, which are just vim scripts loaded automatically

638# There are two types of plugins

639global # Used for all

640filetype # Specific to a particular type of file

641# Almost all vim plugins are releases in script section of


643# Most plugins are zip files which you unzip in your .vim dir

644# Pathogen makes things easier

645# Unzip to .vim/bundle directory

646# Check out Tim Pope's plugins (author of 'pathogen',

647# and many others)

648# Tim Pope

649# Git and Fugitive

650# A simple wrapper around the git command-line

651# tool, and a more integrated set of commands for use

652# in vim's command mode

653:Git push # Run commands right in Vim's command area

654:Gstatus # View status in a separate split

655 # Stage and commit within Vim

656# Installed git-fugitive. Possible also need git-vim

657:h fugitive

658:Git # Run an arbitrary git command

659# Rails Vim

660# Tim Pope again

661# Installed

662# Extensive enhancements for working with Ruby-on-Rails

663# Overrides built-in Vim featerus and adds others for navigation, tests, etc

664:gf # Jump to file customized for the Rails directory structure

665:Rake # Run Rake tasks with Vim

666# If your cursor is over a class name such as 'User', hit 'gf' to jump to file

667# for that model.

668# Or, specifically jump to associated files with




672# Surround Plugin

673# Tim Pope

674# A super-goodie

675#Manipulate delimites such as XML/HTML tags,

676# quotes, or brackets.

677# Easily add a delimiter around existing text, change the delimiter,

678# or delete it altogether

679 cst # change surrounding tags

680 dst # delete surrounding tags

681 Vs # Add a tag aroud text

682## Addendum tgd

683# to add surounding tag, eg div

684css<div> goodie!

685# To change a h1 to a div, say


687cst <enter>


689# Note the absence of a colon!

690# similarly (no colon)


692# To surround with id tag - three ways


694# 'S' is surround mode


696yss<id> #Normal mode

697# Vim Documentation

698# One of its greatest assets



701#Divided into two manuals

702#1 User manual

703#2 Reference manaul (goes into nitty-gritty)

704:h autocmd

705# If not sure wha to look for, use autocompletion

706:h au<tab>

707# Every subject is tagged with one or more keywords in an alternate color

708# If your cursor is on a subject tag, can jump to it with

709Ctrl-] # Ctrl-right-bracket

710Ctrl-t, Ctrl-o # Get back to where you came from

711#How to access local additions


713#Now scroll down

714# Plugins listed, but ONLY if you have read in docs with helptags


716# Above (pathogen command) will auto read in helptags for all

717# installed plugins


719# To Delete from cursor to the end of file


721# To delete from cursor to line 885


723# To paste at end of line

724# (a super-goodie from here)


726:nmap , $p

727# To open every file in a directory

728args: /path/to/dir/*

729# To run a macro on every file in directory

730:bufdo normal @a

731# To add a buffer

732# Insert a carriage return

733# See here:


735#ctrl-v tells vim the next character should be inserted literally

736#ctrl-m is the keystroke for carriage return

737# May also need to use backslash ..


739#Remove LEADING white space (A real super-goodie)


741# See here...


743# Remove all lines except single lines (a goodie)


745# Above from stackoverflow

746# Tabs

747# To open each buffer file in new window

748:tab :sball

749:tab sball # at most six

750# without the tab modifier, opens each buffer is split view

751# See here


753#To move between open tabs

754gt, gT, 1gt 2gt

755see here:


757# Add a directory alias

758:command Cdscripts cd /home/username/.../Scripts

759# Must start with capital letter

760# See here


762vim +/Choose <filename>

763vim +2 <filename>

764#Two Goodies

765# See here


767# Gridline tips

768# See here:

769set cursorline

770set cursorcolumn


772set nocursorline

773set nocursorcolumn

774# Print the name of the current file

775:echo @% #current filename

776# comment out text

777#see here:


779select block (using up-down-arrows)

780Shift-I (Capital I)

781insert # (or whatever)



784#Command completion in Insert mode

785ctrl-p and ctrl-n

786# make symlink to vimo

787ln -s ~/acs_bash_github/vimod/vimo vimo

788# retab vim goodie

789:%s/\t/ /g

790## To find closing tag

791v # enter visual mode

792it # inner tag

793# and

794vat # outer tag

795# notes on nerd

796nerd #file explorer

797ctrl-n # shortcut




801cst<li> # change surrounding tag

802yss<p> # surround text by p tag


804#note that ctrl-n in INSERT mode toggles code completion.

805# Smash into vim, a second look!

806c2/end # delete all code to second occurence of end

807d2w #delete 2 words

808I #inserts text at start of line

809w #forward one words

810<- H

811down J

812L ->

813K Up #(Up Kildare)

814z code-folding (looks like a folded sheep of paper)

815zt #scrole to top

816zz #middle

817zb #bottom

818g-ctrl-g #Where you are in document GOODIE

819ma #mark cursor position


821`0 #position of cursor when last exited vim.

822`` or '' #to jump back to where you were

823#period is location of last change.


825c3w # change three works

826J #join lines

827gJ #join without inserting spaces

828(,) #beginning, end of sentence

829{,} #ditto paragraphs


831o - #toggle starting/end position,


833:%s/h1/gn ## goodie

834to change only current line, leave out the '%'


836:g/class/p g/re/p or grep

837:g/class/# show line numbers

838:g/hello/y #yank

839:g/^$/d # delete blank lines

840use :v instead of :g to get lines that do not match pattern.

841ctrl-n (ctrl-n, ctrl-p) code completion

842"0 contains text from last yank!

843so paste with "0p


845V/bacon ## two goodies

846:g/class/p # all lines that match a pattern.


848/\vSidebar #Very magic search, equivalent to egrep (where magic is equivalent to grep)

849>> indent in normal mode

850ggVG ! grep hello/

851:ce center

852" double quotation mark selects register



855uppercase registers append text to context!

856"" unnamed register #always contains the last deleted text

857yss<id> # surround with id

858# Mallett goodies

859tilde toggles case in normal mode

860gUU # make line uppercase

861g~~ # make line lowercase

862e! revert to last changes

8634y # copies 4

864vim +1064 smash_into_vim_psight_stewart_andrew # open on line number goodie

865vim +/^tilde smash_into_vim_psight_stewart_andrew

866:x # the same as :wq

867# More Mallett Goodies

868:% g/foo/m$ # move all lines containing 'foo' to end of document

869"add # cut from current line to end of the 'a' register

870:127,215 s/foo/bar

871:.,$j # meaning "from the current line to the last line, join them all into one line"

872:% # is synonymous with :1,$ (all the lines)

873:.,$v/bar/d # "from here to the end of the file, delete any lines which DON'T contain the string 'bar' ".

874:% g/foo/s/thomas/Thomas/g # for all lines containing 'foo' substitute 'thomas' with 'Thomas'

875# r! ls -lart # GOODIE read the RESULTS of a command!!

8761G!Gsort # equivalent to :1,$!sort ##

877 ! (bang) and :...! (ex bang) even more powerful than r!


879The + command line option to vi and Vim is normally used to start the editing session

880at a given line number. Can follow the + by any valid ex command/expression

881@ executes the contents of a register as if it were a vi or ex command. (obscure)

882vib # select text within parentheses

883vi" # select text within double quotes

884:r! cat article-template-bibtex.tex # read in template

885% match tags (matchit plugin)

886"+p paste from clipboard in vim a

887"+y yank currently selected code into system keyboard. # goodie

888ctrl-x ctrl-o (*works with sass*, code completion)

889edit (*do no specify a file name*) update current file (ie refresh)

890:edit! (force reload, but loose any changes)

891e and e! also work.

892:bufdo e (*Reload all buffers)

893// comment and un-comment // Nerd commenter plugin

894vim [count]<leader>cc //comment

895 [count]<leader>c<space> uncomment

896Indent trick // see

897ma at beginning // mark

898scroll down to end of what you want to indent


900windo diffthis


902vim insert empty line after } in compressed css



905see here

906%s/;/&\r/gc // insert space BEFORE semicolon

907Fold example

908zf11j //fold 11 lines from cursor

909 //

910to fold at curly braces: zf% (a goodie)

911// Paste into substitution command

912yank character or text

913;s/<Ctrl-R><"> // to paste text, Ctrl-R, followed by double quotes.

914// a goodie

915Write a vim script

916// see here


918create a script file called myscript.vim


920now execute

921vim -s myscript.vim file-to-be-edited

922//save vim buffer.


924or, from within vim, :source script.vim.

925!node %:p // open node with current file //s is current buffer

926// :p full path to curent file

927In INSERT mode: // from 'let vim do the typing' video

928ctrl-R <register name> //insert contents of register

929 // and . <dot> repeats edit

930ctrl-R . // dot register contains whatever text inserted last time in insert mode.

931ctrl-a // also does the same thing (repeats insersion)

932Completion (no plugins)

933ctrl p // < p > for previous //default keybinding for completion

934ctrl n // < n > for next

935ctrl-[ is th same as <esc>

936still in INSERT mode

937ctrl-x ctrl-l //insert a line // A goodie //Make sure set: nopaste !!

938ctrl-x ctrl-f // bring up a list of filenames // another goodie

939ctrl-x ctrl-[ // insert a tag

940 // ctrl-x is completion mode

941ctrl-x ctrl-p // change the quick brown fox to 'the slow ...'

942ctrl-x ctrl-o // omnicompletion // a super goodie

943// see

944CTRL-G // show location in file and file status // goodie from vimtutor

945set hsl is // set highlight seach and incremental search

946 // to turn off until next searh :nohls

947CTRL-D // command completion from COMMAND line // :e CTRL-D

948CTRL-W // Jump to another window

949To substitute from a register:

950s/<c-r>a/<c-r>b/gc //where <c-r> is CTRL-R (which brings up ")

951vim to reverse the postion of two split windows: ctrl-w ctrl-r

952:echom line('$') // echo the number of lines in a file

953to resize vertical splits to same size ctrl-w =

954ctrl-w q delete a split

955Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w H change 2 vertical splits to horizontal

956Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w K change 2 horizontal splits to vertical

957!! better


959:vertical ball

960:ec system('wc -c ', "==============")

961:args //get a list of open buffers


963instead of ctrl-w = ,can use :wincmd =


965:set t_Co=256


967:r! ls --color -l



970:ColorContrast //recycle through

971echo bufname('myfile') // match pattern #goodie

972let cc = system('ls') // get output of shell command as string